What makes it ahh-some?
Just enough bubbles to tickle your tongue. The Aztecs coined agave wine as the elixir of the gods. Clean ingredients. All the benefits of tequila, just more mellow.
Why is it called "Ahh Gavé"?
It's a phonetical spelling of agave, the plant that is well-recognized as the source of tequila. While less known, it's also the plant that produces Agave Wine, which was coined the "Elixir of the Gods" by the Aztecs (Fun fact: Agave wine is one of the oldest known forms of alcohol).
How does agave wine compare to the taste of tequila?
Agave wine is lighter and easier drinking than tequila, but shares the same taste profiles. It also contains a naturally lower alcohol content, making it a smoother beverage to consume.
So Ahh Gavé is made from agave wine, not tequila?
Correct! But let's be clear: Agave wine doesn't taste like wine. It's a sister spirit to tequila, but it's only fermented agave. Whereas tequila is distilled following the fermentation process.
But all agave-based beverages are basically the same, right?
Heck no! Let us get up on our high horse for a second, because this is important. There are real agave players and then there are imposters. Don't be fooled. When choosing an agave-based canned cocktail, read the labels. A delicious, quality agave-based canned cocktail (like Ahh Gavé) will contain pure agave (or blue weber agave). If it's not labeled as such, then it's considered MIXTO (51% tequila and 49% who knows what). These imitators are masking their sugary, malt-based brew with artificially-flavored agave syrup or nectar. Yikes! Pass on that.